Family Support/Individual
ACFSO provides face-to-face support, education and advocacy to assist parents and caregivers develop strategies to meet the challenges before them. We meet caregivers at the place and time that is convenient for them, assessing the family’s needs. We provide family-centered, strength based, culturally competent, individual community based and accessible services by developing a sustainable plan with caregivers. We attend meetings pertinent to the family and child to give support when developing services or educational plans, including during critical situations such as hospitalization or entering out-of-home placement. We provide relevant and meaningful information and resources to assist caregivers. We advocate for the family in schools, courts, and to other agencies providing services. Our primary goal is to empower the parent or caregiver to advocate for their child and to have their voice heard.
Youth Partnership
ACFSO engages youth between the ages of 12 and 21 years old to participate in our Youth Partnership program. Members are encouraged to support each other so no one feels alone. Members work together to develop healthier self-esteem, social skills and work ethics.
Caregiver Support Groups
ACFSO offers parent support group meetings in both Atlantic and Cape May Counties. In addition, we have Support Groups in Spanish, via Zoom. Our parent support groups provide a forum for parents and caregivers to support each other as well as hear from experts in various fields to learn about community resources.
We offer telephone support to parents and caregivers as we attempt to answer questions or sometimes just listen. We can also refer parents to relevant community resources.
Food Pantry
We offer food from the Community Food Bank of SJ to families in need. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating a on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Community Outreach
We attend health fairs, public forums, school events, and the like in an effort to meet parents, caregivers and community providers to share resources and offer support. We advocate when necessary for change and maintain a good relationship with elected officials to advance the cause for parents and caregivers.
Hospital Companions
When your youth is in crisis and families are at their local screening center, Cape Regional Medical Center in Cape May county, it is a difficult time and the ACFSO is there to help families cope. We offer support, education and advocacy to families to help them understand what to expect and how to navigate this system of care.
Partners in the NJ Children’s System of Care with Perform Care, Cape Atlantic Integrated Network for Kids and Atlanticare’s Mobile Response